Episode Synopsis: With stakes high for everyone, Murphy (Perry Mattfeld), Jess (Brooke Markham), Felix (Morgan Krantz), Max (Casey Deidrick) and Dean (Rich Sommer) must each contend with the fallout following an attempt to cut off Nia's (guest star Nicki Micheaux) supply and take her down.
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US TV Episodes chart performance history for Bad People
Year | Month | Day | Position | Movement | Number 1 |
2020 | Jun | 26 Fri | 66 | new |
The Challenge: Total Madness Victim of Love |
26 Fri | 66 | new | |||
27 Sat | 67 | down |
Yellowstone You're the Indian Now |
Brand new entry at #1!
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Up 1 place. 58 days on the chart
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Down 1 place. 27 days on the chart
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Up 5 places from #9
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Down 1 place. 55 days on the chart
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Down 1 place. 34 days on the chart
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Down 1 place. 48 days on the chart
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Down 7 places from #1
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Down 2 places. 41 days on the chart
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Down 2 places. 8 days on the chart
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