Episode Synopsis: The crew seeks information on Alicia Reynaud and must rely on their “ally” Talbor Calchek. To find out what she’s after, Five hacks into the system and discovers a new drive that could completely change space travel. But has it all been a set up?
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US TV Episodes chart performance history for She’s One Of Them Now
Year | Month | Day | Position | Movement | Number 1 |
2016 | Aug | 13 Sat | 5 | new |
Suits Trust |
14 Sun | 7 | down | |||
15 Mon | 16 | down |
The Real Housewives of New Jersey Dinner Interrupted |
16 Tue | 46 | down |
The Real Housewives of Orange County Something’s Fishy |
17 Wed | 72 | down |
Bachelor in Paradise 303B |
Non-Mover. 10 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 17 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 24 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 41 days on the chart
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Up 1 place. 31 days on the chart
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Down 1 place. 38 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 4 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 9 days on the chart
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Up 12 places from #21
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Up 14 places from #24
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