Episode Synopsis: After a volcanic eruption wreaks havoc in Austin, the members of the 126 race to save lives at a college pool party, a family’s mini-golf outing and a woman trapped in her food truck by a horde of scorpions.
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US TV Episodes chart performance history for 2100*
Year | Month | Day | Position | Movement | Number 1 |
2021 | Jan | 26 Tue | 7 | new |
Below Deck James' Big Cannoli |
26 Tue | 7 | new | |||
27 Wed | 14 | down |
The Real Housewives of Dallas Whine Connoisseurs |
28 Thu | 32 | down |
The Real Housewives of Orange County Reunion, Pt. 2 |
29 Fri | 48 | down |
Southern Charm Reunion, Pt. 1 |
30 Sat | 57 | down |
RuPaul's Drag Race The Bag Ball |
31 Sun | 66 | down | |||
2021 | Feb | 1 Mon | 71 | down |
The Real Housewives of Atlanta Beach, Please! |
2 Tue | 55 | up |
Below Deck Hide the Salami |
3 Wed | 51 | up |
The Real Housewives of Dallas Sour Grapes |
4 Thu | 74 | down |
The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Chilly Reception |
5 Fri | 100 | down |
Southern Charm Reunion, Pt. 2 |
Non-Mover. 4 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 3 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 43 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $2.99
Non-Mover. 57 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $2.99
Non-Mover. 50 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $2.99
Non-Mover. 74 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $2.99
Non-Mover. 71 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $2.99
Non-Mover. 64 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $2.99
Non-Mover. 4 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $2.99
Non-Mover. 11 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $2.99