Sony Music Entertainment / Hello Sunshine - 'Best Friend Energy'
American iTunes Chart Performance

"Best Friend Energy": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 15 Sep 2022
  • Chart debut: #34 (17 Sep 2022)
  • Highest Position: #34 (17 Sep 2022)
  • Most recent chart position: #98 (02 Nov 2022)
  • Days on US Podcasts Chart: 7

'Best Friend Energy' has charted in the following countries:
United Kingdom, United States, Canada and Australia.

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Detailed Chart Progress for "Best Friend Energy" (Sony Music Entertainment / Hello Sunshine)

US Podcasts chart performance history for Best Friend Energy

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2022 Sep 17 Sat 34 new Lemonada Media
The Letter
17 Sat 34 new
17 Sat 34 no-move
17 Sat 34 no-move
2022 Oct 12 Wed 99 re-entry Rachel Maddow, MSNBC
Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra
13 Thu 96 up
2022 Nov 2 Wed 98 re-entry

About This Podcast: Best Friend Energy

welcome to best friend energy let’s get to know each other shall we one of us is clea and the other is joanna our friendship and business began with a single text and ended with us organizing celebrity homes traveling... and laughing every step of the way you might know us from the hit netflix series “get organized with the home edit” but we've got a lot more to talk about real life isn’t always so easy to organize we get it we live it and we want to talk about it everyone needs a vent session and we’re ready let’s dig in on loud chewers hard pass mom-nonsense of the week what we’re online shopping for at 3am every travel tribulation and what we’re binge watching pop the champagne open the twizzlers and join us each week we’ll interview our best friends yes we have other friends answer your questions and deep dive on all of the everyday annoyances that life has to offer best friend energy is a sony music entertainment hello sunshine the home edit and somethin' else production can’t get enough of us and want even more best friend energy we got you covered subscribe to “best friend energy unpacked” for additional episodes every week full of our chaotic conversations unfiltered tangents and all the things we can't stop talking about the best part you yes you get to join in on the fun via the best friend energy toll-free support line oh and btw—as a subscriber you’ll get all of our episodes completely ad-free we can’t wait for you to join us to bring your brand to life in this podcast email podcastadsalessonymusiccom find more great podcasts from sony music entertainment at sonymusiccompodcasts learn more about your ad choices visit megaphonefmadchoices

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