Scott Joseph - 'Business, Bourbon and Cigars'
American iTunes Chart Performance

"Business, Bourbon and Cigars": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 19 Mar 2024
  • Chart debut: #47 (23 Mar 2024)
  • Highest Position: #47 (23 Mar 2024)
  • Most recent chart position: #81 (24 Mar 2024)
  • Days on US Podcasts Chart: 3

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Detailed Chart Progress for "Business, Bourbon and Cigars" (Scott Joseph)

US Podcasts chart performance history for Business, Bourbon and Cigars

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2024 Mar 23 Sat 47 no-move Wavland
23 Sat 47 no-move
24 Sun 81 no-move

About This Podcast: Business, Bourbon and Cigars

business bourbon and cigars is the preeminent resource for ambitious leaders who want a backstage pass to the top each episode we sit down with ultra-successful executives and industry leaders who share their insider strategies for growth and success and... and then we sip on some fine bourbon and light up our favorite cigars while we chat this podcast is a community of aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs who share a passion for success growth and innovation as a listener of our show you'll gain access to exclusive strategies insights and resources that will provide the inspiration knowledge and resources you need to achieve your most audacious goals each week we bring you in-depth interviews with high-level executives and industry leaders with a proven track record and deep understanding of what it takes to grow a business they’ll share their no-nonsense approach the challenges they faced on their journey to the top and the strategies that helped them overcome obstacles and forge their own path to ultra-success we interview sophisticated guests who are; problem solvers catalysts storytellers collaborative proactive and relationship builders our guests are experts – they are not fault finders enablers lecturers combative or reactive they do not view themselves or their businesses as commodities at the heart of our community are small to medium-sized business owners and executives who aspire to transcend limitations and accomplish greatness this show is about helping you unlock your full potential and achieving your wildest dreams we foster a culture of transformation constantly pushing boundaries challenging the status quo and disruption and seeking new and innovative solutions to drive growth for you our audience we embrace change and are unafraid to take calculated risks to achieve our goals we’re willing to challenge conventional wisdom and explore new horizons to pursue growth and progress this bold and adventurous spirit sets our podcast apart and makes it so appealing to those who share this mindset subscribe to the business bourbon & cigars podcast and take the first step towards pushing beyond your limits and never settling for mediocrity or complacency our podcast will help you discover your passions allowing you to focus your efforts on what you truly love and reach your full potential by subscribing you'll gain access to valuable advice and inspiration that will help improve your business career and life learn how to lead ethically act with integrity and prioritize the well-being of others innovation is key and we encourage you to be open to new ideas and potential breakthroughs as opportunities for growth and improvement persistence and perseverance through setbacks and obstacles are critical and we encourage you never to give up on your goals calculated risks and bold moves may sometimes be necessary but our guests will show you how to weigh the potential risks and benefits beforehand cultivate a growth mindset by committing to self-improvement always seeking out opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills lastly value diversity by recognizing the importance of different perspectives and experiences and seeking out diverse voices and opinions subscribe now to the business bourbon & cigars community today and start your journey towards greatness the bottom line business bourbon and cigars is the ultimate resource for determined business leaders who want to learn from the best grow and connect with like-minded individuals who share their drive and passion for success with exclusive content and resources inspiring interviews and a supportive community our podcast will help you take your business to the next level so subscribe now and join us for a fun and insightful journey to the top and don't forget to bring your favorite bourbon and cigar

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