Earwolf and Chris Gethard - 'Casper Presents: In Your Dreams with Chris Gethard'
American iTunes Chart Performance

"Casper Presents: In Your Dreams with Chris Gethard": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 12 Dec 2016
  • Chart debut: #100 (13 Dec 2016)
  • Highest Position: #100 (13 Dec 2016)
  • Most recent chart position: #100 (13 Dec 2016)
  • Days on US Podcasts Chart: 2

'Casper Presents: In Your Dreams with Chris Gethard' has charted in the following countries:
United States and Canada.

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Detailed Chart Progress for "Casper Presents: In Your Dreams with Chris Gethard" (Earwolf and Chris Gethard)

US Podcasts chart performance history for Casper Presents: In Your Dreams with Chris Gethard

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2016 Dec 13 Tue 100 new Gimlet
13 Tue 100 new

About This Podcast: Casper Presents: In Your Dreams with Chris Gethard

what’s the most puzzling dream you’ve ever had maybe it was a fear dream a love dream a death dream a recurring dream… or just complete nonsense ever wonder what it could possibly mean chris gethard beautiful stories from anonymous...

...and gary richardson are here to help you figure it out on their new podcast in your dreams chris and gary team up to help you unravel the mysteries of the dream world listeners are invited to call 810 dream-68 and record the story of their most memorable dreams then each week chris an admitted layman and gary an expert of questionable credentials offer up their analysis of the most interesting dream submissions plus some very special guests join in to help with the analysis and to talk about their own bizarre dreams while their expertise may be up for debate one thing’s for certain chris and gary are on a serious mission to get to the bottom of their listeners’ most puzzling nighttime musings

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