Twin Peaks - 'The Condemned Woman'
British iTunes Chart Performance

"The Condemned Woman": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 16 Feb 1991
  • Chart debut: #67 (31 Dec 2022)
  • Highest Position: #67 (31 Dec 2022)
  • Most recent chart position: #67 (31 Dec 2022)
  • Days on UK TV Episodes Chart: 2

'The Condemned Woman' has charted in the following countries:
United Kingdom and France.

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Detailed Chart Progress for "The Condemned Woman" (Twin Peaks)

UK TV Episodes chart performance history for The Condemned Woman

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2022 Dec 31 Sat 67 new The White Lotus: Miniseries
31 Sat 67 new

Episode Synopsis: The Condemned Woman

truman puts hank in prison for the attempted murder of leo while hank points the finger at josie for the murder of andrew packard albert reveals that josie shot cooper ben enlists john justice wheeler to help him stop the...

...plans earle sends a poem to donna shelly and audrey ben decides to save the pine weasel norma learns her sister annie is coming to town ed proposes to norma james leaves twin peaks

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  • 8 The White Lotus: Miniseries - Arrivals

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  • 9 The Sopranos - Guy Walks into a Psychiatrist's Office...

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