The Royals - 'Aye, There's the Rub'
British iTunes Chart Performance

"Aye, There's the Rub": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 18 Dec 2016
  • Chart debut: #84 (06 Sep 2021)
  • Highest Position: #84 (06 Sep 2021)
  • Most recent chart position: #84 (06 Sep 2021)
  • Days on UK TV Episodes Chart: 2

'Aye, There's the Rub' has charted in the following countries:
United Kingdom, United States and Canada.

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Detailed Chart Progress for "Aye, There's the Rub" (The Royals)

UK TV Episodes chart performance history for Aye, There's the Rub

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2021 Sep 6 Mon 84 new Vigil
Episode 1
6 Mon 84 new

Episode Synopsis: Aye, There's the Rub

in a flashback we see robert meet kathryn when he makes a royal appearance at her pub they begin a relationship but robert keeps it a secret because she is not a royal and they can never openly be together... the only one who knows about their relationship in the present liam and kathryn agree not to feel guilty about their love eleanor and jasper swap love letters through a secret book in the library but both are self-conscious about their writing unbeknownst to them they both ask james hill to be their scrivener and he writes the letters back and forth when eleanor discovers jasper isn't writing his own letters she storms off doubtful the relationship can work even though she was doing the same cyrus sees a woman who looks remarkably like violet and pays her to pretend to be his lost love but he realizes she will never be violet and orders her away liam tells willow that he wants to set her up with a guy from the carnival who is interested in her but she isn't happy about it she clearly has feelings for liam and is upset when she realizes he's secretly seeing someone helena gets the dna results and tells liam he is the rightful king liam promises kathryn they will still be together when he's king cyrus is defeated at the news walking down the hall together helena and eleanor make amends for their past relationship they are stunned when they stumble across robert alive

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