The Real L Word - 'Apples and Oranges'
British iTunes Chart Performance

"Apples and Oranges": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 12 Jul 2012
  • Chart debut: #43 (23 Jun 2022)
  • Highest Position: #43 (23 Jun 2022)
  • Most recent chart position: #43 (23 Jun 2022)
  • Days on UK TV Episodes Chart: 2

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Detailed Chart Progress for "Apples and Oranges" (The Real L Word)

UK TV Episodes chart performance history for Apples and Oranges

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2022 Jun 23 Thu 43 no-move The Staircase
23 Thu 43 no-move

Episode Synopsis: Apples and Oranges

since last year whitney has done a complete 180 against her friend's wishes she has moved out of alyssa's nest and in with the love of her life but there is something that whitney has been hiding from her soul...

...- something that could alter the course of their relationship forever a lot has also changed for romi in one year she is sober focusing on her career and has lost a lot of her friends in the process and whitney isn't the only one with a secret; romi has been hiding something as well - a relationship she has kept under wraps for months thankful that their persistence has finally paid off cori and kacy are four months pregnant and about to find out the sex of their baby after the first few months of mood swings sickness and fatigue the happy couple expects the second trimester to be smooth sailing and are excited to start a family lauren a fine jewelry designer and socal nativehas returned to her stomping grounds after having spent a few years in the big apple lauren knows whitney and the gang through kelsey who lauren dated after things ended last year with romi lauren is trying hard to stay out of the juvenile antics of the la lesbian scene so she's excited for her best friend with benefits amanda to move to la lauren and amanda or the self-proclaimed lamanda have always been attracted to each other but this will be the first time that they will both be single not to mention living under the same roof on the other coast hunter valentine an all-lesbian punk band has taken a break from recording their most recent album to get ready for tour founding members kiyomi and laura joined forces to start the band eight years ago the most recent addition to the band somer is struggling to balance her commitments to the band with her new marriage to wife donna for somer the tour is a trial period to see if she clicks with the group and if she and donna can stand being apart for weeks even months at a time while her role as front woman of hunter valentine comes easily to kiyomi the same cannot be said for her love life kiyomi's not ready to be monogamous and her girlfriend ali is sick of being put on the backburner kiyomi brought the band to new york to make it and she won't let anyone get in her way of doing just that sajdah may be newly out but she's taking the la scene by storm in search of her first lesbian relationship she can't believe her luck when an online quest leads her to a blind date with the very sweet and very beautiful chanel

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