Episode Synopsis: After a young violinist is shot to death, Patrick Jane questions the members of the Northern California Symphony Orchestra about the murder. Meanwhile, Cho crosses paths with a precocious young pickpocket.
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UK TV Episodes chart performance history for Rhapsody in Red
Year | Month | Day | Position | Movement | Number 1 |
2011 | May | 28 Sat | 48 | new |
Family Guy And Then There Were Fewer |
29 Sun | 32 | up | |||
30 Mon | 54 | down |
Family Guy Road to the North Pole |
31 Tue | 74 | down |
New #1! Up 3 places from #4
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Down 1 place. 2 days on the chart
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Down 1 place. 3 days on the chart
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New Entry!
buy from iTunes £1.89
Down 2 places. 14 days on the chart
buy from iTunes £6.99
Up 18 places from #24
buy from iTunes £1.89
Up 26 places from #33
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Up 3 places. 2 days on the chart
buy from iTunes £2.49
Down 3 places. 41 days on the chart
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Up 8 places from #18
buy from iTunes £2.49