Episode Synopsis: Superman and Lobo (recurring guest star voice Brad Garrett) join forces to escape the Preserver (recurring guest star voice Sherman Howard) and a wicked band of competing bounty hunters. After Lobo escapes to a tropical paradise, Superman transfers the Preserver's prisoners to the Fortress of Solitude. Part 2 of 2.
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UK TV Episodes chart performance history for The Main Man, Pt. 2
Year | Month | Day | Position | Movement | Number 1 |
2023 | Jul | 20 Thu | 67 | no-move |
Succession Celebration |
20 Thu | 67 | no-move |
Non-Mover. 22 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 20 days on the chart
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Up 8 places from #11
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Down 1 place. 7 days on the chart
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Up 1 place. 143 days on the chart
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Down 3 places. 61 days on the chart
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buy from iTunes £2.49
buy from iTunes £1.99
buy from iTunes £2.49