Stargate Universe - 'Resurgence'
British iTunes Chart Performance

"Resurgence": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 30 Nov 2010
  • Chart debut: #4 (08 Dec 2010)
  • Highest Position: #3 (09 Dec 2010)
  • Most recent chart position: #76 (20 Dec 2010)
  • Days on UK TV Episodes Chart: 13

'Resurgence' has charted in the following countries:
United Kingdom, United States and Canada.

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Detailed Chart Progress for "Resurgence" (Stargate Universe)

UK TV Episodes chart performance history for Resurgence

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2010 Dec 8 Wed 4 new Gossip Girl
The Townie
9 Thu 3 up
10 Fri 5 down The Vampire Diaries
By the Light of the Moon
11 Sat 9 down
12 Sun 14 down
13 Mon 14 no-move
14 Tue 21 down
15 Wed 35 down
16 Thu 27 up
17 Fri 71 down Misfits
Episode 6
18 Sat 52 up
19 Sun 70 down
20 Mon 76 down Misfits
Christmas Special

Episode Synopsis: Resurgence

destiny detects a remote energy signature originating from an area outside its set course dr rush robert carlyle believes it could be coming from a potential new power source or could be a sign of intelligent life arguing that whatever...

...out there could prove to be of great benefit to the crew and destiny’s mission col young louis ferreira reluctantly agrees and permits dr rush to manipulate navigation and take destiny off course after a day in ftl the ship reaches a sea of wrecked ships the carnage of a centuries old battle with no visible signs of danger lt scott brian j smith msgt greer jamil walker-smith and volker patrick gilmore set off in the shuttle to take a closer look eli david blue uses destiny’s systems to recreate a simulation of the battle only to discover the debris is not what it seems chloe elyse levesque succumbs deeper to the alien infection knowing she poses a greater risk the longer she stays aboard the destiny but when a lost friend comes to the rescue it’s no longer chloe’s alien abductors the crew has to worry about on earth eli struggles with how to tell his mother the truth about what has happened to him wray ming-na takes leave to visit sharon but finds the distance is starting to take its toll on their relationship

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