Stargate Universe - 'Hope'
British iTunes Chart Performance

"Hope": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 28 Mar 2011
  • Chart debut: #7 (03 May 2011)
  • Highest Position: #7 (03 May 2011)
  • Most recent chart position: #81 (18 May 2011)
  • Days on UK TV Episodes Chart: 14

'Hope' has charted in the following countries:
United Kingdom, United States and Canada.

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Detailed Chart Progress for "Hope" (Stargate Universe)

UK TV Episodes chart performance history for Hope

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2011 May 3 Tue 7 new The Vampire Diaries
The Last Day
4 Wed 11 down
5 Thu 12 down
6 Fri 20 down Grey's Anatomy
White Wedding
7 Sat 32 down The Vampire Diaries
The Sun Also Rises
8 Sun 62 down
9 Mon 48 up
10 Tue 85 down Glee
Born This Way
11 Wed 79 up Gossip Girl
Shattered Bass
12 Thu 79 no-move
13 Fri 85 down Grey's Anatomy
I Will Survive
15 Sun 80 re-entry The Vampire Diaries
As I Lay Dying
17 Tue 97 re-entry Gossip Girl
The Wrong Goodbye
18 Wed 81 up

Episode Synopsis: Hope

unable to contact homeworld command since the lucian attack the crew takes shifts connected to the stones waiting for a link while connected chloe falls asleep but wakes up with ginn's julie mcniven consciousness in her body knowing ginn and...

...perry kathleen munroe physically died eli and rush theorize ginn's consciousness must have been caught somewhere within the stone's connection while chloe isn't connected to anyone her consciousness seems to still be present in her body ebbing and flowing to the surface with ginn but when ginn physically starts reliving her death eli must find a way to protect chloe without losing ginn meanwhile tamara alaina huffman diagnoses volker patrick gilmore with end-stage renal disease a kidney transplant is his only hope for survival with no access to earth tamara must perform the difficult operation having found a willing donor match in greer jamil walker smith

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