Stargate SG-1 - 'The Shroud'
British iTunes Chart Performance

"The Shroud": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 04 May 2007
  • Chart debut: #20 (07 Dec 2023)
  • Highest Position: #20 (07 Dec 2023)
  • Most recent chart position: #20 (07 Dec 2023)
  • Days on UK TV Episodes Chart: 2

'The Shroud' has charted in the following countries:
United Kingdom and France.

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Detailed Chart Progress for "The Shroud" (Stargate SG-1)

UK TV Episodes chart performance history for The Shroud

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2023 Dec 7 Thu 20 no-move Doctor Who (2023 -)
Wild Blue Yonder
7 Thu 20 no-move

Episode Synopsis: The Shroud

sg-1 learns of a new prior spreading the word of the ori in a more humane way then ever before and decides to investigate when the new prior turns out to be daniel jackson michael shanks the team elects to...

...him even though it's very likely a trap by adria morena baccarin transported and held captive on the odyssey daniel explains his becoming a prior is all part of an elaborate plan that he and merlin who is still partially in control of his consciousness have devised to trap adria and the ori though his story seems to honestly prove how he gained adria's trust only to use merlin's device against her his plan requires sg-1 to close the wormhole that is blocking the supergate with the supergate functional there would be nothing stopping the ori from sending their armies through to earth's galaxy whether or not they aid him with his potentially catastrophic plan becomes mute when the ioa decides jackson poses too great a risk and must be killed col o'neill richard dean anderson not willing to let his friend be sentenced to death works with the sg-1 team to find a way to finish merlin's weapon and send it through the gate to destroy the ori but when jackson is able to escape imprisonment and hijacks the odyssey along with col o'neill it appears that his plan was really just a way of delivering sg-1 and the finished merlin device to adria

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