Seinfeld - 'The Movie'
British iTunes Chart Performance

"The Movie": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 06 Jan 1993
  • Chart debut: #83 (05 Nov 2021)
  • Highest Position: #83 (05 Nov 2021)
  • Most recent chart position: #83 (05 Nov 2021)
  • Days on UK TV Episodes Chart: 2

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Episode Synopsis: A comedy of errors kicks in when Jerry is frustrated in his attempts to squeeze in two comedy appearances on opposite sides of town while shadowed by a pesky fellow comedian. Later, Jerry's bad timing continues when he has to rendezvous for a movie with George, Elaine and Kramer -- who are all in different orbits looking for seats as well as each other.

Detailed Chart Progress for "The Movie" (Seinfeld)

UK TV Episodes chart performance history for The Movie

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2021 Nov 5 Fri 83 no-move Dalgliesh
Shroud for a Nightingale, Pt. 1
5 Fri 83 no-move

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