Episode Synopsis: In the fifth season premiere episode, a shaky Walt searches for Donna (recurring guest star ALLY WALKER) as he and Vic reconstruct what happened in the cabin. Meanwhile, Mathias (recurring guest star ZAHN McCLARNON) has a deal for Henry and Cady tells her dad about a job offer.
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UK TV Episodes chart performance history for A Fog That Won't Lift
Year | Month | Day | Position | Movement | Number 1 |
2016 | Nov | 21 Mon | 75 | new |
Planet Earth Jungles |
21 Mon | 75 | new | |||
23 Wed | 68 | re-entry |
Geordie Shore Episode 5 |
26 Sat | 85 | re-entry |
The Walking Dead Go Getters |
27 Sun | 40 | up |
Planet Earth Jungles |
28 Mon | 78 | down |
Planet Earth Deserts |
30 Wed | 87 | re-entry |
Geordie Shore Episode 6 |
New #1! Up 7 places from #8
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buy from iTunes £2.49
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Up 30 places from #37
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