Henry Hugglemonster - 'Carried Away/ Monster In Charge'
British iTunes Chart Performance

"Carried Away/ Monster In Charge": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 04 May 2013
  • Chart debut: #83 (10 Sep 2023)
  • Highest Position: #83 (10 Sep 2023)
  • Most recent chart position: #83 (10 Sep 2023)
  • Days on UK TV Episodes Chart: 2

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Detailed Chart Progress for "Carried Away/ Monster In Charge" (Henry Hugglemonster)

UK TV Episodes chart performance history for Carried Away/ Monster In Charge

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2023 Sep 10 Sun 83 no-move And Just Like That
Met Cute
10 Sun 83 no-move

Episode Synopsis: Carried Away/ Monster In Charge

henry is really excited because there is a talent contest in town today called the grr factor daddo is a roarsome juggler so henry signs him up for the contest it’s run by a very imperious talent judge named mr...

...henry tries to convince mr growl that daddo should be in the show but growl doesn’t like jugglers henry invites him over to dinner at his house and promises that he won’t regret it back at home the hugglemonsters prepare for the arrival of mr growl a they decorate the house with loads of balloons which get out of control and fill the top floor just after mr growl arrives the balloons cause the house to lift up off the ground and it turns out that mr growl is afraid of heights it’s up to henry and his family to distract growl from realizing that the house is floating through the air to do so they go through all sorts of contortions diving and juggling so mr growl won’t notice that anything is wrong finally they get enough balloons out of the house so that it gently comes down for a landing henry thinks they totally ruined daddo’s chances of being in the show but it turns out that mr growl was incredibly impressed with the hugglemonsters’ acrobatic abilities and wants them all on the show b as the hugglemonsters have a typically raucous family dinner at home momma is not happy she’s really tired of them eating like a bunch of well monsters henry decides that they should take momma to signor roartonio’s café for a nice meal when henry and his siblings go to make a reservation roartonio tells them that they’ll only get served if they have good manners they’re not quite sure how to do that so they go get a lesson in monster manners from nan-oh and grando then they surprise momma and take her out to dinner momma is thrilled at the café the hugglemonsters are very quiet and polite but momma fells that something is off they’re not being themselves in the kitchen roartonio accidentally adds bouncing beans to their food which makes the hugglemonsters bounce like crazy all over the restaurant henry feels bad that the fancy dinner is ruined – but momma realizes that this is her loud wild hugglefamily and she wouldn’t change a thing

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