Download "Season 10, Episode 17: The Last One, Pts. 1 & 2 " from the iTunes store.
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filled with humor and bittersweet emotion the series finale of friends finds rachel monica phoebe joey chandler and ross embarking on the next chapters in their lives the six of them have been there for one another through all the...
...and downs of becoming adults now it's their last day together and it's one of momentous events and last-minute surprises even as the friends make major decisions about their futures they share a bond that will last forever--no matter where their paths lead
Non-Mover. 162 days on the chart
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Up 15 places from #17
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Up 4 places. 73 days on the chart
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Up 7 places from #12
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Down 2 places. 44 days on the chart
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New Entry!
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New Entry!
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