Agatha Christie's Marple - 'Nemesis'
British iTunes Chart Performance

"Nemesis": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 01 Jan 2009
  • Chart debut: #36 (24 Jun 2022)
  • Highest Position: #36 (24 Jun 2022)
  • Most recent chart position: #36 (24 Jun 2022)
  • Days on UK TV Episodes Chart: 2

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Detailed Chart Progress for "Nemesis" (Agatha Christie's Marple)

UK TV Episodes chart performance history for Nemesis

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2022 Jun 24 Fri 36 new The Staircase
24 Fri 36 new

Episode Synopsis: Nemesis

miss marple is faced with her greatest challenge yet when she receives instructions from an old friend the recently deceased mr rafiel to investigate a 'possible crime' but there's a catch - she has not been told what the crime...

...instead she is booked onto a mystery coach tour to gather clues miss marple takes her nephew raymond west to accompany her on the tour as mr rafiel warns that danger may threaten it begins to dawn on them both that all the passengers are connected to a young girl verity hunt who went missing during the war they also realise that every destination on the tour is significant and start to piece together information about verity why did she flee from a nun's sanctuary in the dead of night to be with her german lover mr rafiel's son michael and was never seen again with the help of young detective colin hards miss marple and raymond piece together the secrets of the past to fulfil a promise to her dear old friend

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