Episode Synopsis: Athena investigates a robbery at a gas station that takes an unexpected turn. Bobby and the 126 race to rescue a novice diver who panics while in a shark cage, and a house sitter terrified of spiders. Eddie reaches his breaking point, Chimney returns to the 118 and Maddie shares some news with Buck, who realizes he has to come clean with Taylor.
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New #1! Up 12 places from #13
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Up 3 places. 14 days on the chart
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Up 28 places from #31
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Up 3 places. 25 days on the chart
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Up 35 places from #40
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New Entry!
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Up 1 place. 37 days on the chart
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Down 2 places. 143 days on the chart
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Down 7 places from #2
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Down 6 places from #4
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