Download "Die Industrielle-Revolutions-Show (Twenty-Five Little Pre-Pubers Without a Snoot-Ful)" from the iTunes store.
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German TV Episodes chart performance history for Die Industrielle-Revolutions-Show
Year | Month | Day | Position | Movement | Number 1 |
2010 | Nov | 12 Fri | 63 | new |
LOST Wofür sie gestorben sind |
2010 | Dec | 10 Fri | 91 | re-entry |
Desperate Housewives Geheimnisse |
jakes klasse soll ein musical zum thema industrielle revolution einüben und dafür werden noch freiwillige helfer gesucht charlie ist sofort mit von der partie aber nur weil er jakes hübsche lehrerin beeindrucken will schon bald stellt er fest dass er...
Non-Mover. 2 days on the chart
buy from iTunes 2.49 €
Non-Mover. 182 days on the chart
buy from iTunes 2,99 €
Non-Mover. 2 days on the chart
buy from iTunes 2.49 €
Non-Mover. 24 days on the chart
buy from iTunes 2,99 €
Non-Mover. 85 days on the chart
buy from iTunes 2,99 €
Non-Mover. 87 days on the chart
buy from iTunes 2,99 €
Non-Mover. 62 days on the chart
buy from iTunes 2,99 €
Non-Mover. 71 days on the chart
buy from iTunes 2,99 €
Non-Mover. 78 days on the chart
buy from iTunes 2,99 €
Non-Mover. 39 days on the chart
buy from iTunes 2,99 €