Grey's Anatomy - 'Suddenly (subtitled)'
German iTunes Chart Performance

"Suddenly (subtitled)": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 05 Jan 2012
  • Chart debut: #2 (07 Jan 2012)
  • Highest Position: #2 (07 Jan 2012)
  • Most recent chart position: #21 (31 May 2012)
  • Days on German TV Episodes Chart: 37

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Episode Synopsis: In the wake of a horrific crash, the doctors work together to save the lives of a family, still in the dark about Henry’s death, Teddy calls upon Cristina to help with her patient in the O. R. , and Lexie finds herself working alongside Mark’s new girlfriend, Julia, during an eye surgery.

Suddenly (subtitled): Chart Progress Graph

Chart progress graph for Suddenly (subtitled)

Detailed Chart Progress for "Suddenly (subtitled)" (Grey's Anatomy)

German TV Episodes chart performance history for Suddenly

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2012 Jan 7 Sat 2 new Game of Thrones
Feuer und Blut
8 Sun 2 no-move
9 Mon 2 no-move
10 Tue 3 down
11 Wed 10 down Two and a Half Men
Sehr erfreut, Walden Schmidt
12 Thu 10 no-move
13 Fri 14 down
14 Sat 20 down
15 Sun 26 down
16 Mon 19 re-entry
17 Tue 26 down
18 Wed 28 down Two and a Half Men
Peter Pans Mutter
19 Thu 31 down
20 Fri 53 down Grey's Anatomy
Hope for the Hopeless
21 Sat 71 down
22 Sun 43 up Two and a Half Men
Herpes Junior
23 Mon 35 up
24 Tue 46 down
25 Wed 70 down Two and a Half Men
28 Sat 74 re-entry
29 Sun 51 up How I Met Your Mother
Die Entchenkrawatte
30 Mon 55 down Two and a Half Men
31 Tue 68 down How I Met Your Mother
Die Entchenkrawatte
2012 Feb 6 Mon 95 re-entry Grey's Anatomy
If / Then
9 Thu 60 re-entry How I Met Your Mother
Die Exkursion
16 Thu 76 re-entry How I Met Your Mother
Das dunkle Geheimnis
2012 May 17 Thu 92 re-entry Grey's Anatomy
Das herz im kasten
18 Fri 78 up Grey's Anatomy
19 Sat 93 down
24 Thu 11 re-entry The Big Bang Theory
Das Speckerman-Trauma
25 Fri 21 down Sherlock
Folge 1 - Ein Skandal in Belgravia
26 Sat 35 down Grey's Anatomy
Dunkel war die nacht
27 Sun 32 up Sherlock
Folge 1 - Ein Skandal in Belgravia
28 Mon 82 down Sherlock
Folge 2 - Die Hunde von Baskerville
30 Wed 61 re-entry Sherlock
Folge 3 - Der Reichenbachfall
31 Thu 21 up Grey's Anatomy
Ohne Vorwarnung

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