Episode Synopsis: Drama has an offer from a major director on a big movie sequel. Ari finds a backer for 'Medellin, ' but the source of his wealth, and his wife's intentions toward Vince, are shady. Turtle has a date with Kelly--under the watchful eye of her father.
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German TV Episodes chart performance history for Season 3, Episode 19: The Prince's Bride
Year | Month | Day | Position | Movement | Number 1 |
2020 | Jul | 31 Fri | 74 | new |
Outlander Das Flammende Kreuz |
31 Fri | 74 | new |
Non-Mover. 61 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 8 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 73 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 2 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 83 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 17 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 24 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 31 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 33 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 39 days on the chart
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