Serial Productions & The New York Times - 'The Trojan Horse Affair'
German iTunes Chart Performance

"The Trojan Horse Affair": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 03 Feb 2022
  • Chart debut: #38 (03 Feb 2022)
  • Highest Position: #5 (09 Feb 2022)
  • Most recent chart position: #90 (28 Feb 2022)
  • Days on German Podcasts Chart: 27

'The Trojan Horse Affair' has charted in the following countries:
United Kingdom, United States, Germany, France, Italy, Canada, Spain, Australia and Brazil.

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The Trojan Horse Affair: Chart Progress Graph

Chart progress graph for The Trojan Horse Affair

Detailed Chart Progress for "The Trojan Horse Affair" (Serial Productions & The New York Times)

German Podcasts chart performance history for The Trojan Horse Affair

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2022 Feb 3 Thu 38 new Ariana Baborie, Till Reiners, Seven.One Audio
Endlich normale Leute
3 Thu 38 new
4 Fri 21 no-move Studio Bummens & K2H
5 Sat 15 up
6 Sun 15 no-move ZDF, Markus Lanz & Richard David Precht
7 Mon 12 up
8 Tue 10 up
9 Wed 5 no-move ZEIT ONLINE
10 Thu 5 no-move
11 Fri 9 no-move ZDF, Markus Lanz & Richard David Precht
12 Sat 8 up
13 Sun 6 up
14 Mon 8 down
15 Tue 10 down
16 Wed 9 up
17 Thu 15 down
18 Fri 16 down
19 Sat 18 down
20 Sun 21 no-move
21 Mon 27 down
22 Tue 52 down Süddeutsche Zeitung
Suisse Secrets – Der Podcast zur Recherche
23 Wed 54 no-move
24 Thu 50 up
25 Fri 67 down ZEIT ONLINE
Was jetzt?
26 Sat 68 no-move ZDF, Markus Lanz & Richard David Precht
27 Sun 78 down
28 Mon 90 no-move ZEIT ONLINE
Was jetzt?

About This Podcast: The Trojan Horse Affair

a strange letter appears on a city councillor’s desk in birmingham england laying out an elaborate plot by islamic extremists to infiltrate the city’s schools the plot has a code name operation trojan horse the story soon explodes in the...

...and kicks off a national panic by the time it all dies down the government has launched multiple investigations beefed up the country’s counterterrorism policy revamped schools and banned people from education for the rest of their lives to hamza syed who is watching the scandal unfold in his city the whole thing seemed … off because through all the official inquiries and heated speeches in parliament no one has ever bothered to answer a basic question who wrote the letter and why the night before hamza is to start journalism school he has a chance meeting in birmingham with the reporter brian reed the host of the hit podcast s-town together they team up to investigate who wrote the trojan horse letter they quickly discover that it’s a question people in power do not want them asking from serial productions and the new york times comes the trojan horse affair a mystery in eight parts

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