Summary: "Der Explikator" erscheint jeden Werktag. "Geschichte" ist jeden Mittwoch das Thema. Wer sich nicht für Wissenschaft, Bewusstsein, Film & TV oder Entertainment interessiert, abonniert "Explikator: Geschichte". Unbekanntes & Unbeachtetes, Hintergrund & Oberfläche. Mal ernster, mal satirischer aber immer Morgen-Kaffee-tauglich!
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German Podcasts chart performance history for Explikator: Geschichte
Year | Month | Day | Position | Movement | Number 1 |
2015 | Jan | 5 Mon | 72 | new |
ARD ARD Radio Tatort |
9 Fri | 48 | re-entry |
radioeins (Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg) Sanft & Sorgfältig | radioeins |
21 Wed | 67 | re-entry |
ARD ARD Radio Tatort |
23 Fri | 40 | re-entry |
Westdeutscher Rundfunk WDR 2 Kabarett |
24 Sat | 37 | up |
radioeins (Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg) Sanft & Sorgfältig | radioeins |
25 Sun | 50 | down |
ARD ARD Radio Tatort |
27 Tue | 78 | re-entry |
radioeins (Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg) Sanft & Sorgfältig | radioeins |
2015 | Feb | 2 Mon | 87 | re-entry | |
21 Sat | 86 | re-entry |
PietCast PietCast |
22 Sun | 99 | down |
Non-Mover. 20 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 352 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 352 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 304 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 352 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 352 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 349 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 349 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 56 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 352 days on the chart
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