Twin Peaks - 'The Black Widow'
French iTunes Chart Performance

"The Black Widow": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 12 Jan 1991
  • Chart debut: #70 (01 Sep 2020)
  • Highest Position: #52 (12 Sep 2021)
  • Most recent chart position: #52 (12 Sep 2021)
  • Days on French TV Episodes Chart: 3

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Detailed Chart Progress for "The Black Widow" (Twin Peaks)

French TV Episodes chart performance history for The Black Widow

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2020 Sep 1 Tue 70 new Un si grand soleil
Episode 474 du 3 septembre 2020
1 Tue 70 new
12 Sun 52 new Un si grand soleil
Episode 476 du 7 septembre 2020

Episode Synopsis: The Black Widow

ben takes bobby under his wing in a hope to destroy hank and jean however ben's mental state is starting to crack cooper starts to look at buying real estate major briggs's supervisor reveals that briggs was studying transmissions from...

...woods andy and dick learn of little nicky's troubled life james meets malcom the chauffer for the marsh family dougie milford dies on his honeymoon and the major blames lana cooper finds drugs at dead dog farms dick thinks nicky is trying to kill him evelyn starts an affair with james ben begins to reenact the civil war audrey produces photos that may save cooper hank catches ed and norma in an embrace denise and cooper enlist ernie niles to ensnare jean renault major briggs returns as mysteriously as he had vanished

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