The Exorcist - 'Chapter One: And Let My Cry Come Unto Thee (Pilot)'
French iTunes Chart Performance

"Chapter One: And Let My Cry Come Unto Thee (Pilot)": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 19 Oct 2016
  • Chart debut: #31 (06 May 2017)
  • Highest Position: #29 (07 May 2017)
  • Most recent chart position: #86 (15 May 2017)
  • Days on French TV Episodes Chart: 7

'Chapter One: And Let My Cry Come Unto Thee' has charted in the following countries:
United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada and Australia.

Download It! Get "Chapter One: And Let My Cry Come Unto Thee (Pilot)" from iTunes

Episode Synopsis: Le retour du mal.

Detailed Chart Progress for "Chapter One: And Let My Cry Come Unto Thee (Pilot)" (The Exorcist)

French TV Episodes chart performance history for Chapter One: And Let My Cry Come Unto Thee

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2017 May 6 Sat 31 new Grey's Anatomy
Tout garder pour soi
6 Sat 31 new
7 Sun 29 up
8 Mon 78 down
12 Fri 85 re-entry Grey's Anatomy
Se décider
13 Sat 90 down
15 Mon 86 re-entry

Latest French TV Top 10 Full French TV chart

  • 1 Grey's Anatomy - Profession de foi


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  • 2 Grey's Anatomy - Puisque tu pars

    Up 8 places from #10

    buy from iTunes 2,99 €

  • 3 Grey's Anatomy - Si les murs pouvaient parler


    buy from iTunes 2,99 €

  • 4 La Brea - Les disparus

    Up 45 places from #49

    buy from iTunes 2,99 €

  • 5 Grey's Anatomy - Il fait chaud

    Down 3 places. 33 days on the chart

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  • 6 Superman & Lois - Mon père, ce héros

    Down 3 places. 32 days on the chart

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  • 7 Grey's Anatomy - J'y vois clair maintenant

    Up 90 places from #97

    buy from iTunes 2,99 €

  • 8 La Brea - Le jour d'après

    Up 68 places from #76

    buy from iTunes 2,99 €

  • 9 Grey's Anatomy - Cœur blessé

    Up 89 places from #98

    buy from iTunes 2,99 €

  • 10 Grey's Anatomy - C'est la nuit


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