Stargate SG-1 - 'Ripple Effect'
French iTunes Chart Performance

"Ripple Effect": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 20 Jan 2006
  • Chart debut: #59 (02 Mar 2021)
  • Highest Position: #59 (02 Mar 2021)
  • Most recent chart position: #59 (02 Mar 2021)
  • Days on French TV Episodes Chart: 2

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Detailed Chart Progress for "Ripple Effect" (Stargate SG-1)

French TV Episodes chart performance history for Ripple Effect

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2021 Mar 2 Tue 59 new The Blacklist
Ogden Greeley (No. 40
2 Tue 59 new

Episode Synopsis: Ripple Effect

sg-1 returns from a mission early accompanied through the stargate by a weird sound and a flash of light then during their debriefing with gen landry they reveal that they were exploring a different planet than the one they'd been...

...moments later the stargate activates again - and a second sg-1 team steps through dr lam determines that genetically both of the mitchells carters daniels and teal'cs are exactly who they claim to be because the second group arrived on time and from the correct planet gen landry guesses that they are the real sg-1 carter then theorizes that the other team comes from an alternate - though very similar - universe under questioning from their counterparts the duplicates explain that their earth is about to be invaded by the armies of origin unfortunately because an astronomical fluke - the passage of the stargate's wormhole directly through a black hole - seems to have caused their arrival in this universe sending them back to join the fight in their own universe won't be easy b efore the two carters can find a solution the stargate activates again and out steps a third sg-1 team within hours more sg teams from more alternate universes arrive until more than a dozen sg-1 units are roaming the base one of the teams even contains alternate-universe versions of two old friends that carter daniel and teal'c never expected to see again martouf and dr fraiser because both died several years ago in this universe their appearance is a bittersweet shock for everyone who knew them the troop of carters now working to solve this astrophysical conundrum soon brainstorms an extremely complex solution that involves - among other details - flying the prometheus to the black hole and detonating an explosion inside the singularity to seal the multiversal rift that has developed this will prevent more teams from coming through - but it will also strand the new arrivals permanently on this earth while dr frasier in particular pleads with landry to give them time to find a better solution he reluctantly decides that his universe must come first he orders his own sg-1 and the first duplicate team to take the prometheus and carry out the mission

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