Stargate Atlantis - 'Rising, Pts. 1 & 2'
French iTunes Chart Performance

"Rising, Pts. 1 & 2": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 16 Jul 2004
  • Chart debut: #95 (17 Nov 2024)
  • Highest Position: #95 (17 Nov 2024)
  • Most recent chart position: #95 (17 Nov 2024)
  • Days on French TV Episodes Chart: 2

'Rising, Pts. 1 & 2' has charted in the following countries:
United Kingdom, France and Canada.

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Detailed Chart Progress for "Rising, Pts. 1 & 2" (Stargate Atlantis)

French TV Episodes chart performance history for Rising, Pts. 1 & 2

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2024 Nov 17 Sun 95 no-move Grey's Anatomy
Puisque tu pars
17 Sun 95 no-move

Episode Synopsis: Rising, Pts. 1 & 2

the stargate sg-1 team discovers what they believe to be the remnants of the lost city of the ancients – the originators of the stargates and stargate command launches an investigation to find the mythical city of atlantis situated in...

...distant pegasus galaxy it’s farther than any stargate team has ever traveled with only enough power to make a one-way trip a new team headed by civilian dr elizabeth weir torri higginson is formed and travels through the gate to this unknown galaxy there they discover the marvels of the lost city of atlantis… and encounter a sinister new enemy

Latest French TV Top 10 Full French TV chart

  • 1 Grey's Anatomy - C'est la nuit


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  • 2 Grey's Anatomy - Cœur blessé

    Up 3 places. 38 days on the chart

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  • 3 Grey's Anatomy - Pour toutes les femmes

    Down 1 place. 23 days on the chart

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  • 4 The Tudors - Bras de fer


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  • 5 Grey's Anatomy - Si les murs pouvaient parler

    Down 4 places. 66 days on the chart

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  • 6 Grey's Anatomy - Puisque tu pars

    Up 17 places from #23

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  • 7 Grey's Anatomy - J'y vois clair maintenant

    Up 12 places from #19

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  • 8 The Simpsons - Noël mortel


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  • 9 Sex and the City - Ex & the City

    New Entry!

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  • 10 Superman & Lois - Trahi par les siens

    New Entry!

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