Stargate Atlantis - 'Doppelganger'
French iTunes Chart Performance

"Doppelganger": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 19 Oct 2007
  • Chart debut: #29 (02 Mar 2023)
  • Highest Position: #29 (02 Mar 2023)
  • Most recent chart position: #29 (02 Mar 2023)
  • Days on French TV Episodes Chart: 2

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Detailed Chart Progress for "Doppelganger" (Stargate Atlantis)

French TV Episodes chart performance history for Doppelganger

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2023 Mar 2 Thu 29 no-move Grey's Anatomy
Je suivrai le soleil
2 Thu 29 no-move

Episode Synopsis: Doppelganger

while lt col sheppard joe flanigan and the team are out exploring a jungle planet they discover a glowing crystalline growth compelled to touch the strange crystal sheppard becomes host to an alien entity once on atlantis the entity begins...

...move from person to person through the power of touch teyla rachel luttrell is the first to experience a nightmare involving sheppard the chain reaction continues when she infects dr keller jewel staite who succumbs to a different but equally terrifying dream when lorne kavan smith appears to have a psychotic breakdown the team urgently attempts to trace the problem to its source when rodney mckay david hewlett becomes the latest host the team links sheppard to mckay's brain where sheppard ultimately faces off against the malevolent entity that has assumed his form

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