'Taming Strange' has charted in the following countries:
United Kingdom, United States, France, Canada and Australia.
Episode Synopsis: Grosse tension entre Kyle et son petit frère Ike : ce dernier n’arrête pas de l’insulter. Kyle tente d’alerter le conseiller d’orientation M. Mackey mais celui-ci semble trop occuper à résoudre les bugs de son nouveau système informatique : Intelilink.
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French TV Episodes chart performance history for Taming Strange
Year | Month | Day | Position | Movement | Number 1 |
2013 | Nov | 6 Wed | 59 | new |
Grey's Anatomy La peur au ventre |
7 Thu | 100 | down | |||
8 Fri | 86 | up | |||
9 Sat | 66 | up |
Grey's Anatomy Deux contre un |
10 Sun | 64 | up |
New #1! Up 7 places from #8
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Down 2 places. 31 days on the chart
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buy from iTunes 2,99 €
Up 11 places from #16
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Up 78 places from #84
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buy from iTunes 1,99 €
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buy from iTunes 2,99 €