Legacies - 'I Wouldn't Be Standing Here If It Weren't For You'
French iTunes Chart Performance

"I Wouldn't Be Standing Here If It Weren't For You": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 28 Apr 2022
  • Chart debut: #16 (30 Apr 2022)
  • Highest Position: #11 (01 May 2022)
  • Most recent chart position: #23 (05 May 2022)
  • Days on French TV Episodes Chart: 6

'I Wouldn't Be Standing Here If It Weren't For You' has charted in the following countries:
United States, Germany, France and Canada.

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Detailed Chart Progress for "I Wouldn't Be Standing Here If It Weren't For You" (Legacies)

French TV Episodes chart performance history for I Wouldn't Be Standing Here If It Weren't For You

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2022 Apr 30 Sat 16 new Grey's Anatomy
Mise À L’épreuve
30 Sat 16 new
2022 May 1 Sun 11 no-move
2 Mon 27 down Grey's Anatomy
Une ambiance explosive
3 Tue 21 no-move Grey's Anatomy
Mise À L’épreuve
5 Thu 23 re-entry Grey's Anatomy
Une ambiance explosive

Episode Synopsis: I Wouldn't Be Standing Here If It Weren't For You

hope danielle rose russell continue son combat et lizzie jenny boyd conçoit un plan pour avoir la possibilité d’aider cleo omono okojie a peur de ses visions et de ce qu’elles signifient pour ceux qu'elle aime alaric matthew davis envoie...

...chris lee ethan leo howard et mg quincy fouse dans une mission aux enjeux considérables jed ben levin doit faire un choix très difficile pendant ce temps landon aria shaghasemi fait une découverte surprenante

Latest French TV Top 10 Full French TV chart

  • 1 Grey's Anatomy - Si les murs pouvaient parler

    Non-Mover. 66 days on the chart

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  • 2 Grey's Anatomy - Pour toutes les femmes

    Non-Mover. 23 days on the chart

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  • 3 Grey's Anatomy - Profession de foi

    Non-Mover. 25 days on the chart

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  • 4 Grey's Anatomy - Il fait chaud

    Non-Mover. 27 days on the chart

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  • 5 Grey's Anatomy - Cœur blessé

    Non-Mover. 38 days on the chart

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  • 6 Euphoria - Pilote

    Non-Mover. 96 days on the chart

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  • 7 Snowfall - Premiers pas

    Non-Mover. 96 days on the chart

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  • 8 Les aventures de Tintin - Le Lotus bleu, première partie

    Non-Mover. 13 days on the chart

    buy from iTunes 1,99 €

  • 9 Les aventures de Tintin - Le Lotus bleu, deuxième partie

    Non-Mover. 8 days on the chart

    buy from iTunes 1,99 €

  • 10 The Tudors - Projets ambitieux

    Non-Mover. 13 days on the chart

    buy from iTunes 2,49 €