Killer Women with Piers Morgan - 'Episode 2'
French iTunes Chart Performance

"Episode 2": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 18 May 2016
  • Chart debut: #56 (11 Sep 2021)
  • Highest Position: #56 (11 Sep 2021)
  • Most recent chart position: #56 (11 Sep 2021)
  • Days on French TV Episodes Chart: 2

'Episode 2' has charted in the following countries:
Germany and France.

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Detailed Chart Progress for "Episode 2" (Killer Women with Piers Morgan)

French TV Episodes chart performance history for Episode 2

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2021 Sep 11 Sat 56 new Un si grand soleil
Episode 476 du 7 septembre 2020
11 Sat 56 new

Episode Synopsis: Episode 2

in rural florida in august 2008 emergency workers battled to save 7 year old adrianna hutto who had accidentally drowned in the family’s outdoor pool or so it seemed later that day adrianna’s younger brother aj told police that his...

...had deliberately ‘dunked’ adrianna as a punishment for being naughty 6 months later 7 year old aj testified against his mother at her murder trial he was the prosecution’s star witness and effectively sent his mother to prison amanda’s defence attorney tells piers the jury’s decision was made on an ‘incompetent witness’ piers meets amanda in florida’s largest female prison she tells him that the drowning was a tragic accident that she could never kill her daughter he finds out what it was like for amanda to sit across from her son as he testified against her and ultimately asks her the burning question did she do it piers also heads to the scene of the trial where he meets the prosecutor and defence counsel – who have completely opposing views on amanda’s guilt next piers travels to texas for an encounter with rhonda glover a former beauty queen and rodeo star who gunned down her lover in cold blood rhonda and her boyfriend jimmy joste shared a glamorous lifestyle built on the riches of his oil business but their relationship spiralled into drug-fuelled obsession and paranoia and ended in murder when they meet at the state’s murray unit in gatesville rhonda tells piers that she was scared of jimmy and used the gun in self defence but as piers discovers from homicide detective richard faithful rhonda shot jimmy ten times and continued to pump bullets into his body as he lay dead suggesting a motive far removed from self defence to try and uncover the real story of this tempestuous relationship piers travels to houston and austin to meet those close to jimmy and rhonda

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