Episode Synopsis: Chase takes on a patient, Moira (guest star Julie Mond), who is a cloistered nun on the verge of making her life-changing vows, and through the treatment process, he and Moira form a unique connection that tests their faith and reason.
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French TV Episodes chart performance history for Season 8: Chase
Year | Month | Day | Position | Movement | Number 1 |
2023 | Mar | 3 Fri | 26 | no-move |
Grey's Anatomy Les risques du métier |
3 Fri | 26 | no-move |
New #1! Up 7 places from #8
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Down 2 places. 31 days on the chart
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Up 11 places from #16
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Up 78 places from #84
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buy from iTunes 1,99 €
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buy from iTunes 2,99 €