Battlestar Galactica - 'The Captain's Hand'
French iTunes Chart Performance

"The Captain's Hand": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 17 Feb 2006
  • Chart debut: #21 (29 Aug 2023)
  • Highest Position: #21 (29 Aug 2023)
  • Most recent chart position: #21 (29 Aug 2023)
  • Days on French TV Episodes Chart: 2

'The Captain's Hand' has charted in the following countries:
United Kingdom, France and Canada.

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Detailed Chart Progress for "The Captain's Hand" (Battlestar Galactica)

French TV Episodes chart performance history for The Captain's Hand

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2023 Aug 29 Tue 21 new The Idol
Libérée, délivrée
29 Tue 21 new

Episode Synopsis: The Captain's Hand

two vipers field a distress signal from an unknown source then they suddenly vanish from the fleet's radar screens a rescue mission is coordinated by battlestar pegasus now commanded by former engine room chief barry garner john heard feuding with... supervisor lt kara thrace katee sackhoff he ignores her theory that the emergency call is a cylon trap lee adama jaime bamber is garner's temporary xo but when garner bucks a direct order from admiral william adama edward james olmos and sends the pegasus in pursuit of his missing vipers lee is forced to act against him back on galactica a pregnant teenage stowaway has become a focal point in the presidential election campaign rya kibby amber rothwell wants to exercise her legal right to an abortion the fleet's pro-life gemenon faction objects threatening to pull its support for president laura roslin mary mcdonnell recognizing that every potential life counts in a shrinking human population roslin considers a move that could provide the wedge issue gaius baltar james callis needs to launch his own surprise bid for the presidency

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  • 7 The 100 - Natifs de la Terre, deuxième partie

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  • 10 From - Les silouhettes

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