The Moth - 'The Moth'
Spanish iTunes Chart Performance

"The Moth": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 13 Dec 2016
  • Chart debut: #96 (10 May 2019)
  • Highest Position: #96 (10 May 2019)
  • Most recent chart position: #96 (10 May 2019)
  • Days on Spanish Podcasts Chart: 2

'The Moth' has charted in the following countries:
United Kingdom, United States, Italy, Canada, Spain, Australia and Brazil.

Subscribe to "The Moth" via iTunes

Subscribe to "The Moth" via the iTunes Application.

Detailed Chart Progress for "The Moth" (The Moth)

Spanish Podcasts chart performance history for The Moth

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2019 May 10 Fri 96 new Juan Jesús Pleguezuelos
Historia de España para selectividad
10 Fri 96 new

About This Podcast: The Moth

since its launch in 1997 the moth has presented thousands of true stories told live and without notes to standing-room-only crowds worldwide moth storytellers stand alone under a spotlight with only a microphone and a roomful of strangers the storyteller...

...the audience embark on a high-wire act of shared experience which is both terrifying and exhilarating since 2008 the moth podcast has featured many of our favorite stories told live on moth stages around the country for information on all of our programs and live events visit themothorg

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