Summary: Un podcast de League of Legends: Un podcast de League of Legends donde repasaremos la ultima actualidad del juego de Riot, las compet. . . iciones de eSports, la liga Española y contaremos episodio tras episodio el lore detrás de este maravilloso juego, que no es precisamente pequeño. Bienvenidos, invocadores
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Spanish Podcasts chart performance history for Gankeados - Un podcast de League of Legends
Year | Month | Day | Position | Movement | Number 1 |
2015 | Aug | 31 Mon | 70 | new |
OndaCero La rosa de los vientos |
Non-Mover. 351 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 351 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 351 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 351 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 351 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 351 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 351 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 334 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 346 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 351 days on the chart
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