Michael Rather - The Digital Photography Connection - 'Lightroom for Digital Photographers'
Spanish iTunes Chart Performance

"Lightroom for Digital Photographers": Chart Statistics

  • Release date:
  • Chart debut: #28 (26 May 2010)
  • Highest Position: #28 (26 May 2010)
  • Most recent chart position: #28 (26 May 2010)
  • Days on Spanish Podcasts Chart: 1

'Lightroom for Digital Photographers' has charted in the following countries:
Italy and Spain.

Subscribe to "Lightroom for Digital Photographers" via iTunes

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Detailed Chart Progress for "Lightroom for Digital Photographers" (Michael Rather - The Digital Photography Connection)

Spanish Podcasts chart performance history for Lightroom for Digital Photographers

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2010 May 26 Wed 28 new Oscar MeL
el Lounge de Oscar Mel

About This Podcast: Lightroom for Digital Photographers

in february 2007 adobe released a brand new software program that lets digital photographers of all skill levels manage process develop print and share their work although lightroom is not difficult to use it is very comprehensive therefore its important...

...clearly understand the tools and workflow of the application in order to effectively use it lightroom for digital photographers is a podcast that will take you step-by-step through the entire lightroom application well show you undocumented tips and tricks of the program and guide you through the entire workflow so that you can quickly and easily import develop print and share your images with the rest of the world

Latest Spanish Podcasts Top 10 Full Spanish Podcasts chart