Musica Antiqua Köln & Reinhard Goebel - Spanish Chart Performance

Albums by Musica Antiqua Köln & Reinhard Goebel

Title Highest Position Date Buy
Gilles: Messe des Morts & Corrette: Carillon des Morts 10 07 Nov 2022 8,99 € buy
Bach, J.S. : Brandenburg Concertos 25 24 Jan 2020 17,99 € buy
Telemann: Wind Concertos 48 08 Dec 2019 10,99 € buy
Buxtehude & Pachelbel: Chamber Music 71 20 Sep 2019 8,99 € buy
Heinichen: Dresden Concerti 37 06 Aug 2023 17,99 € buy
Rebel: Les Élémens - Telemann: Sonata for Oboe, Harpsichord and Continuo - Gluck: Alessandro 81 08 Sep 2019 10,99 € buy
Bach, J.S. : The Art of Fugue BWV 1080 14 22 Nov 2021 10,99 € buy

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