Episode Synopsis: Adam Devine and a team of experts found a secret shark lair that may be the world's largest gathering of tiger sharks. To Adam and friends Anders Holm and Blake Anderson, it's the ultimate shark party, and they want to know what makes this party epic.
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Canadian TV Episodes chart performance history for Adam Devine's Secret Shark Lair
Year | Month | Day | Position | Movement | Number 1 |
2020 | Aug | 13 Thu | 35 | new |
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills That's Not Amore |
13 Thu | 35 | new | |||
14 Fri | 74 | down | |||
15 Sat | 60 | up |
The Real Housewives of New York City Hitting All the Wrong Cenotes |
16 Sun | 39 | up |
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills That's Not Amore |
17 Mon | 43 | down |
Darcey & Stacey Everything Is About to Change |
Non-Mover. 3 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 5 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 4 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 10 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $3.49
Non-Mover. 8 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 3 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $2.99
Non-Mover. 8 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $2.99
Non-Mover. 11 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $3.49
Non-Mover. 5 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $3.49
Non-Mover. 3 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $4.49