House - 'Fools for Love'
Canadian iTunes Chart Performance

"Fools for Love": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 31 Oct 2006
  • Chart debut: #78 (30 May 2024)
  • Highest Position: #78 (30 May 2024)
  • Most recent chart position: #78 (30 May 2024)
  • Days on Canadian TV Episodes Chart: 2

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Detailed Chart Progress for "Fools for Love" (House)

Canadian TV Episodes chart performance history for Fools for Love

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2024 May 30 Thu 78 new Vanderpump Rules
Reunion, Pt. 3
30 Thu 78 new

Episode Synopsis: Fools for Love

house takes on the case of 20-year-old female patient tracy dawson who is rushed to princeton plainsboro teaching hospital with breathing difficulties and unexplained intense abdominal pain after she and her husband jeremy are victims of a robbery during tracy's...

...test jeremy collapses in the hospital viewing room with test results leading the team to believe the couple's illnesses are related their strained relationship with jeremy's father causes tracy to hallucinate about a past incident when her father-in-law tried to hurt jeremy for seeing her the traumatic dream leaves tracy in a coma and house wants to conduct a very risky biopsy on her brain stem but jeremy refuses to consent house enlists wilson's help to explain the potentially dangerous procedure and secure jeremy's consent but all does not go as planned; house discovers a new symptom that takes the case down a shocking new path and changes the course of the couples' lives forever meanwhile house and clinic patient michael tritter guest star david morse have a touchy altercation leaving tritter appalled and furious at the way house treated him

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