House - 'Cane and Able'
Canadian iTunes Chart Performance

"Cane and Able": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 12 Sep 2006
  • Chart debut: #73 (30 May 2024)
  • Highest Position: #73 (30 May 2024)
  • Most recent chart position: #73 (30 May 2024)
  • Days on Canadian TV Episodes Chart: 2

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Detailed Chart Progress for "Cane and Able" (House)

Canadian TV Episodes chart performance history for Cane and Able

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2024 May 30 Thu 73 new Vanderpump Rules
Reunion, Pt. 3
30 Thu 73 new

Episode Synopsis: Cane and Able

house's ego has taken quite a blow because he failed to diagnose his last case and it's affecting him physically he is obviously in pain again although he continues to deny it house's new case is 7-year-old clancy a product... fertilization who's been admitted to the hospital with rectal bleeding and proclamations of being tortured by aliens as the team runs tests on him they discover the same test is giving conflicting results when clancy claims to have a tracking device in the back of his neck and the team discovers an unknown metal object exactly in that spot they aren't quite sure what to think amidst all this weirdness cuddy and wilson decide it would be best not to tell house the truth about his last case thinking that perhaps he will learn some humility if he believes he's not always right cameron discovers the lie and is outraged but cuddy convinces her to hold off telling house when house and the team discover cells with a different type of dna in clancy's body they are forced to give clancy's alien claims a little more credence but a frustrated house gives up on his young patient forcing cuddy to re-think her desire to hold back the truth she's hiding

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