Forever - 'The Fountain of Youth'
Canadian iTunes Chart Performance

"The Fountain of Youth": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 30 Sep 2014
  • Chart debut: #24 (03 Oct 2014)
  • Highest Position: #24 (03 Oct 2014)
  • Most recent chart position: #95 (10 Oct 2014)
  • Days on Canadian TV Episodes Chart: 8

'The Fountain of Youth' has charted in the following countries:
United Kingdom, United States, Germany, France, Canada and Australia.

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Detailed Chart Progress for "The Fountain of Youth" (Forever)

Canadian TV Episodes chart performance history for The Fountain of Youth

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2014 Oct 2 Thu 24 new Sons of Anarchy
Poor Little Lambs
3 Fri 45 down
4 Sat 54 down
5 Sun 70 down
6 Mon 93 down Outlander
The Wedding
8 Wed 88 re-entry Sons of Anarchy
Some Strange Eruption
9 Thu 95 down

Episode Synopsis: The Fountain of Youth

while henry is interested in aging and how to die new york's wealthy elderly are chasing a way to turn back the clock a clinic is dispensing a pricey product called aterna which is supposed to provide the much-sought-after fountain...

...youth instead henry and jo are confronted with multiple deaths from the costly potion which instead of revolutionizing the aging process is turning people's brains into swiss cheese henry remembers back to a dear friend who was diagnosed with tuberculosis in 1906 and discovers a link to this current case meanwhile unbeknownst to henry abe would love to be young and youthful again and is tempted to try aterna plus henry learns that however long you live you must live every day and hour like it's your last guest stars include eric morris blue bloods as dr james carter and mather zickel house of lies newsreaders as dr frederick gardner

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  • 5 Sullivan's Crossing - Truth and Consequences

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  • 6 The Twilight Zone - A Small Town

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  • 7 Hells Angels: Kingdom Come - Traitors Within

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  • 8 Grey's Anatomy - Keep the Family Close

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  • 9 Grey's Anatomy - I Carry Your Heart

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  • 10 Unexpected - We're the Kids in America

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