Download "Whiter Shade Of Pale (feat. Steve Winwood)" from the iTunes store.
Canadian Songs chart performance history for Whiter Shade Of Pale
Year | Month | Day | Position | Movement | Number 1 |
2021 | Oct | 16 Sat | 82 | new |
ADELE Easy On Me |
16 Sat | 82 | new |
Non-Mover. 350 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $1.29
Non-Mover. 177 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $1.29
Non-Mover. 5 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $1.29
Non-Mover. 159 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $1.29
Non-Mover. 97 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $1.29
Non-Mover. 284 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $0.69
Non-Mover. 249 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $1.29
Non-Mover. 67 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $1.29
Non-Mover. 350 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $1.29
Non-Mover. 97 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $1.29