History's Top Crimes for a Peaceful Night - 'True Crime Stories For (No) Sleep'
Brazilian iTunes Chart Performance

"True Crime Stories For (No) Sleep": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 10 Nov 2023
  • Chart debut: #91 (15 Nov 2023)
  • Highest Position: #66 (10 Dec 2023)
  • Most recent chart position: #87 (02 Jan 2024)
  • Days on Brazilian Podcasts Chart: 17

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True Crime Stories For (No) Sleep: Chart Progress Graph

Chart progress graph for True Crime Stories For (No) Sleep

Detailed Chart Progress for "True Crime Stories For (No) Sleep" (History's Top Crimes for a Peaceful Night)

Brazilian Podcasts chart performance history for True Crime Stories For Sleep

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2023 Nov 15 Wed 91 no-move Duolingo
Histórias em Inglês com Duolingo
15 Wed 91 no-move
16 Thu 78 up
17 Fri 71 up
18 Sat 80 no-move
2023 Dec 6 Wed 98 re-entry
9 Sat 67 no-move Déia Freitas
Não Inviabilize
10 Sun 66 up
13 Wed 89 re-entry Podpah
14 Thu 88 no-move
15 Fri 82 up
16 Sat 88 no-move
29 Fri 96 re-entry
30 Sat 93 up
31 Sun 70 up
2024 Jan 1 Mon 81 no-move
2 Tue 87 no-move Junior Rostirola
Café Com Deus Pai | Podcast oficial

About This Podcast: True Crime Stories For (No) Sleep

get ready for a podcast that's well a little crazy we're talking about true crime stories here the kind that are so scary they might just help you sleepyou know most news and tv shows usually skim over the super...

...stuff in crime stories but we oh no we're not about that we're here to tell it all no matter how yucky it gets we want you to know just how nutty these bad guys really are so if you ever have trouble sleeping give us a listen you might just creep into dreamland with the killer stories that'll make you say well that was a murderously good night's sleep a sampling of the stories includethe canal killer - a violent psychopath cuts off the head hands and feet of his girlfriends and dumps them in the canals of london and rotterdamthe head in the bucket - a drug kingpin chops off the head of one of his dealers and carries it around in a home depot bucketcaptain cash - another drug dealer butchers an entire family so he can take over a man’s fruit shipping business and transform it into a drug shipping businessthe coffee killer - a young woman jealous of her rich socialite friend poisons her by lacing her coffee with cyanide in a public coffee shopthe arizona torso killer - a petite trophy wife shoots her husband freezes his body hacks him up with a jigsaw and dumps his torso in a dumpster behind a grocery storethe oxford murder - a young college student strangles his girlfriend and crams her body into an eight-inch crawlspace beneath the stairsthe girl in the barrel - a homeowner finds a 55-gallon barrel in the crawl space beneath his home what they find inside the barrel unlocks a murder mystery dating back 30 yearsthe dexter wannabe - a young man obsessed with the tv show dexter lures unsuspecting victims to his “kill room” and keeps a detailed diary of the dismemberment of his preythe murder of elizabeth olten - a 15-year-old girl wants to know what it feels like to kill a personinterpol’s most wanted - when fishermen pull up the dead body of a man in the english channel police stumble upon one of interpol’s most wanted criminalsthe girl in the box - an unbelievable story of a psychopath who kidnaps a young girl and keeps her as a slave locked beneath his bed for seven yearsthe green chain rapist - a beautiful young mother is butchered in broad daylight in a london park and the only witness is her two-year-old son police then waste three years chasing the wrong man while the real killer slaughters another womanpaige’s secret life - a young single-mother of three goes missing and police realize she’s been living a secret life that her friends and family didn’t know abouta walking shadow - a suicidal teenager frustrated with the bank threatening to foreclose on the family home kidnaps the bank manager’s 10-year-old son and holds him for ransom

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