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Brazilian Songs chart performance history for Every Time I'm With You
Year | Month | Day | Position | Movement | Number 1 |
2015 | Sep | 21 Mon | 89 | new |
Queen Love of My Life |
Non-Mover. 2 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Non-Mover. 450 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 1,90
Non-Mover. 177 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Non-Mover. 8 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Non-Mover. 2 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Non-Mover. 2 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Non-Mover. 381 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Non-Mover. 2 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Non-Mover. 100 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Non-Mover. 321 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90