Led Zeppelin - 'How the West Was Won (Live) [Remastered]'
Brazilian iTunes Chart Performance

"How the West Was Won (Live) [Remastered]": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 27 May 2003
  • Chart debut: #41 (23 Mar 2018)
  • Highest Position: #41 (23 Mar 2018)
  • Most recent chart position: #41 (23 Mar 2018)
  • Days on Brazilian Albums Chart: 2

'How the West Was Won' has charted in the following countries:
United Kingdom, United States, Italy, Canada, Spain and Brazil.

Download It! Get "How the West Was Won (Live) [Remastered]" from iTunes

Download "How the West Was Won (Live) [Remastered]" from the iTunes store.

Detailed Chart Progress for "How the West Was Won (Live) [Remastered]" (Led Zeppelin)

Brazilian Albums chart performance history for How the West Was Won

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2018 Mar 23 Fri 41 new Jorge & Mateus
Terra Sem CEP
23 Fri 41 new

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