Download "Don't Wanna Touchdown (feat. Polina)" from the iTunes store.
Brazilian Songs chart performance history for Don't Wanna Touchdown
Year | Month | Day | Position | Movement | Number 1 |
2015 | May | 7 Thu | 83 | new |
Wiz Khalifa See You Again |
Brand new entry at #1!
buy from iTunes R$2.9
New Entry!
buy from iTunes R$2.9
Down 1 place. 5 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Non-Mover. 183 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Non-Mover. 429 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Down 3 places. 447 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 1,90
Down 6 places from #1
buy from iTunes R$ 1,90
Down 2 places. 106 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Non-Mover. 387 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Up 2 places. 21 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90