DJ Sneak - 'The DJ Sneak Budcast'
Brazilian iTunes Chart Performance

"The DJ Sneak Budcast": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 05 Nov 2014
  • Chart debut: #61 (05 Nov 2014)
  • Highest Position: #61 (05 Nov 2014)
  • Most recent chart position: #61 (05 Nov 2014)
  • Days on Brazilian Podcasts Chart: 2

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Detailed Chart Progress for "The DJ Sneak Budcast" (DJ Sneak)

Brazilian Podcasts chart performance history for The DJ Sneak Budcast

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2014 Nov 5 Wed 61 new Nerdcast

About This Podcast: The DJ Sneak Budcast

dj sneak's 'budcast' delivers the raw jacking beats of one of house music’s true pioneers it contains 2 streams - 'the budcast' focuses on new music currently being played by sneak as he travels the globe and 'vinyl sets' digs...

...the archives for classic dj sneak sets from the period 1998-2005 self-proclaimed house gangster sneak has the passion to keep house music alive and continues to push forward with new releases & remixes that capture and inspire the true essence of house music while touring the globe and playing some of the most relevant gigs around the world he continues to make an impact on the scene today his signature sound of funky-jackin-disco-filtered house has revolutionized and redefined house music for 20 years and counting

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