Download "Xote dos Milagres (feat. Tato (Falamansa))" from the iTunes store.
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Brazilian Songs chart performance history for Xote dos Milagres (feat. Tato )
Year | Month | Day | Position | Movement | Number 1 |
2020 | Aug | 4 Tue | 49 | new |
Mc Zaac, Anitta & Tyga Desce pro Play |
4 Tue | 49 | new |
Non-Mover. 179 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Non-Mover. 102 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Non-Mover. 450 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 1,90
Non-Mover. 279 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Non-Mover. 323 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Non-Mover. 425 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Non-Mover. 30 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Non-Mover. 383 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Non-Mover. 2 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90
Non-Mover. 431 days on the chart
buy from iTunes R$ 2,90